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Bayley Vacation Rentals

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Royal Realty in Maine

Last week’s blog centered around the origin of our state feline, the Maine Coon. One of the theories involved the attempted escape of Marie Antione…
Admin ajax. Php? Action=kernel&p=image&src=%7b%22file%22%3a%22wp content%2fuploads%2f2024%2f01%2fmaine coon cats

Maine Coon Cats

This past year, millions of people indulged in the hit tv show Tiger King (although many of us might not want to admit we watched it), an…
Admin ajax. Php? Action=kernel&p=image&src=%7b%22file%22%3a%22wp content%2fuploads%2f2024%2f01%2fthe great fire of portland

The Great Fire of Portland

Due to its abundance of local eateries, boutiques, and bars, Portland’s Old Port is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. Visitors o…
Admin ajax. Php? Action=kernel&p=image&src=%7b%22file%22%3a%22wp content%2fuploads%2f2024%2f01%2fl. L. Beans outdoor discovery school is back

L.L. Bean’s Outdoor Discovery School is Back

It’s that time of year again where people are starting to spend more and more time indoors, which can get monotonous even for a homebody. L.L.Bean …
Sparkle celebration in freeport e874a3de

Sparkle Celebration in Freeport

Tis the season of cheer, merriment…. and holiday shopping. Finding the perfect gift for everybody on your holiday list can be stressful and can put…
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The Holiday Express

Since its publication in 1985, The Polar Express has become a classic Christmas story. The 2004 remake of the beloved book brought the story and ch…
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Gardens Aglow

Although only in its sixth year, Gardens Aglow has already become a cherished tradition among New Englanders. Until the end of December, Coastal Ma…
Red paint people of maine 1c97ecdb

Red Paint People of Maine

Many of Maine’s rivers, mountains, and other geological formations bear the name of our lands’ Indigenous ancestors, such as Penobscot, Sagadahoc, …
Admin ajax. Php? Action=kernel&p=image&src=%7b%22file%22%3a%22wp content%2fuploads%2f2024%2f01%2fmusic with a mission

Music with a Mission

In partnership with State Theatre and the Maine Music Alliance, Thompson’s Point is proud to present a weekly outdoor experience throughout Novembe…